
About me


Professional skills

Places of employment

My PhD dissertation (You can download it, but it's in Russian)

The list of published works (You can download some of them,

but only one of them is in English)


My name is Zhukov Illia Borisovich (Sometimes my name is written as «Ilya» by ones or as «Ilja» by others.) I was born in 1979 in the Leningrad city, USSR. In 1995 I finished cum laude music school. In 2002 I graduated with distinction from SPbGTURP. Obtained in the University specialty is «Electric drive and automation of industrial machines and technological complexes». At that time I had two published works and recommendation to continue education in postgraduate course.

In September 2002 I had been taken on design engineer by KO VNIIMETMASH, where I was working in department of electric drive and automation during next six years. First time, when I was appointed to lead project, was in 2005. In March 2006 I defended PhD dissertation in LETI. Maintaining project of reconstruction rolling mill AMZ in 2007–2008 became most big my work in KO VNIIMETMASH. This project contains about 150 asynchronous motors, 140 electromagnets and 250 sensors. My functions in it were follows:

After coming out from VNIIMETMASH I worked in various organizations including LETI where I was working as an assistant professor during more than four years.

Mainly my professional activity was connected with various aspects of electric drive, automation and control systems of electromechanical systems. In less degree I was engaged in electric power supplying. The area of my own interest is mathematics and computer science.

Professional skills

In a few words I can design electric drive and automation system of plate rolling mill, it's in details:

I've experience of leading projects of five production areas and two basements with pump and accumulator stations and hydraulic equipment. I protected of project at customers, I performed contract supervision in some workshops, and I took part in the precommissioning works and in acceptance trials. I parameterized converters and wrote programs for PLC Omron, Mitsubishi, Fastwel, SIEMENS. I worked out mathematical and computer models of electric drive systems of mechanical and electrical parts and control system. I made models mechanisms with several degrees of freedom by Lagrange equations. I have experience computer processing oscillogram and measurement results (Fourier analysis, least-squares method, pseudoinverse matrix, statistical analysis).

Старший преподаватель ЛЭТИ

I lectured

I was scientific adviser of 17 graduating students (masters and bachelors) including two from Iraq and one from Israel. I conducted laboratory works and practical exercises and led student's works on term papers. I held state graduate examinations of bachelors and entrance examinations of magistracy. I participated in commissions holding defences of graduation works.

I took part in design engineering follow objects:

I have a programming experience of microcontrollers AVR. I developed some simple applications by using freepascal and pure WinAPI. I write programs in PHP and Javascript.

Places of employment

Organizations, in which I worked full time:

Из Мадрида до Кардобы на велосипеде

Besides, I had some contracts for different works.

My PhD dissertation
«Investigation and optimization of electro-mechanical control
systems of plate cutter complex»

You can

In the thesis mathematical models of uni-crank and twin-crank shears with rolling cutting were elaborated and realized in Matlab. These models take into consideration kinematics and dynamics of shears mechanism and also cutter force dependence on mechanical properties and geometric parameters of plates divided. The uni-crank shears description of dynamics takes account of variability of inertia moment of cutting mechanism and influence of unbalanced masses. The twin-crank shears description of dynamics was worked out by Lagrange's equations of motion, the drive of every crank considered as independent.

Today cranks of shears are interlocked and rotate with equal angular rates either in one direction or in counter directions. Unlocking of cranks allows to form trajectory of knife motion and to provide minimum necessary knives overlapping for edges quality rising (due to less edge bending) and for decreasing cutter force (due to less plastic deformation of plate). Algorithm of crank motion trajectories calculation was elaborated in the thesis. Algorithm gives a sequence of relative positions cranks, which provides required trajectory motion of cutting edge of upper knife.

In the thesis method of automatic optimization of side clearance between shears knives is offered. Several times the fragments of my dissertation containing description of this method were copied without appropriate references by other authors in their «works».

Also in thesis the problem of power-saving control of rolling mill finishing equipment electric drives is considered. Objects for which this problem has solved were electric drives of tilting roller bed and shears with rolling cutting. Power-saving problems were considered as variation calculus tasks with constrained motion trajectories and with fixed boundary conditions (for shears) and moving boundary conditions (for tilting mechanism of roller bed). Searching minimum of functional performed by finite-difference Euler method. The search was realized by my procedures in Matlab.

I began to apply variational calculus methods in that time when I did my graduate work.

The list of published works

The translated output data of the publications can be inexact.

  1. Zhukov I. B. The compensation of disturbances in electric drive. / I. B. Zhukov, E. N. Kovalev // XXIX Week of science SPbSPU: thesis of reports Interuniversity scientific and technical conference of students and postgraduates, Saint-Petersburg, 27 November – 02 December 2000 — part. V. P. 136–138. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Компенсация возмущений в электроприводе. / И. Б. Жуков, Е.Н. Ковалёв // XXIX Неделя науки СПбГПУ: тез. докл. Межвуз. научн-техн. конф. студентов и аспирантов, г. Санкт-Петербург, 27 нояб.—02 декаб. 2000 г. — СПб.: Изд-во СПбГТУ, 2001. — Ч. V. С. 136–138.
  2. Zhukov I. B. An electric drive control method with disturbance compensation. / I. B. Zhukov, E. N. Kovalev // Problems of saving fuel and energy resources at industrial enterprises and thermal power plants: Interuniversity collection of scientific works /SPbGTURP, Saint-Petersburg, 2002, P. 250–254. ISBN 5–230–14288–X. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Способ управления электроприводом с компенсацией возмущений. / И. Б. Жуков, Е.Н. Ковалёв // Проблемы экономии топливно-энергетических ресурсов на промпредприятиях и ТЭС: Межвуз. сб. науч. тр./СПбГТУРП, СПб., 2002, С. 250–254. ISBN 5–230–14288–X.
  3. Zhukov I.B. Formalising of the patterns of electromechanical systems of a complex are sharp of sheet roll stock. / Zhukov I.B., Zementov O.I., Kozlova L.P. // Proceedings of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University Journal, 2003, P. 28–32. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Формализация моделей электромеханических систем комплекса резки листового проката. / И. Б. Жуков, О.И. Зементов, Л.П. Козлова // Известия СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ». СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2003, С. 28–32.
  4. Zhukov I. B. Optimization of automated electromechanical systems of shears for cutting sheet metal. / I. B. Zhukov, L.P. Kozlova // XXXII Week of science SPbSPU: thesis of reports Interuniversity scientific and technical conference of students and postgraduates, Saint-Petersburg, 24–29 November 2003. — part V. P. 146 – 148. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Оптимизация автоматизированных электромеханических систем ножниц для резки листового проката. / И. Б. Жуков, Л.П. Козлова // XXXII Неделя науки СПбГПУ: тез. докл. Межвуз. научн-техн. конф. студентов и аспирантов, г. Санкт-Петербург, 24–29 нояб. 2003 г. — СПб.: Изд-во СПбГПУ, 2004. — Ч. V. С. 146 – 148.
  5. Zhukov I. B. The mathematical description of the equations of the kinematics of the shears with rolling cutting in the task of energy-saving control. / I. B. Zhukov, O. I. Zementov // Electromechanical systems and complexes: Interuniversity collection of scientific works. Issue 8./Under the editorship S.I. Lukianova, D.V. Shvidchenko. — Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2004, P. 73–79. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Математическое описание уравнений кинематики ножниц с катящимся резом в задачах энергосберегающего управления. / И. Б. Жуков, О.И. Зементов // Электромеханические системы и комплексы: Межвуз. сб. науч. тр. Вып. 8./Под ред. С.И. Лукьянова, Д.В. Швидченко. — Магнитогорск: МГТУ, 2004, С. 73–79.
  6. Zhukov I. B. The kinematics twin-crank shears calculations in problems of plate cutting complex electric drive optimization / I. B. Zhukov; Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical university — Saint-Petersburg, — 2004. — 23 pages. — Deposited in VINITI 22.06.2004, №1048–B2004. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Кинематический расчет двухкривошипных ножниц в задачах оптимизации электропривода комплексов резки листового проката / И. Б. Жуков; Санкт-Петербург. гос. электротехн. ун-т. — СПб., — 2004. — 23 с. — Деп. в ВИНИТИ 22.06.2004, №1048–В2004.
  7. Zhukov I. B. The kinematics and dynamics uni-crank shears calculations in problems of plate cutting complex electric drive optimization. / I. B. Zhukov; Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical university — Saint-Petersburg, — Saint-Petersburg, — 2004. — 18  pages. — Deposited in VINITI 22.06.2004, №1047–B2004. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Расчёт кинематики и динамики однокривошипных ножниц в задачах оптимизации электропривода комплексов резки листового проката. / И. Б. Жуков; Санкт-Петербург. гос. электротехн. ун-т. — СПб., — 2004. — 18  с. — Деп. в ВИНИТИ 22.06.2004, №1047–В2004.
  8. Zhukov I.B. Minimization of energy consumption in Electromechanical shear control systems with rolling cut. / Zhukov I.B., Zementov O.I., Kozlova L.P. // Proceedings of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University Journal Series "Electrical Engineering", 2004. — Issue. 1. — P. 19–27. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Минимизация энергозатрат в электромеханических системах управления ножницами с катящимся резом. / И. Б. Жуков, О. И. Зементов, Л. П. Козлова // Изв. СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ». Сер. «Электротехника» / Санкт-Петербург. гос. электротехн. ун-т. — СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2004. — Вып. 1. — С. 19–27.
  9. Borisenko S. S. The optimization of plate cutting complexes / S.S. Borisenko, I. B. Zhukov, E. N. Kovalev// Energy and resource saving at the enterprises of metallurgical, mining, and chemical industry (new solutions): abstracts of the conference, Saint-Petersburg, 25–27 April 2005. P. 52–54. (in Russian) Борисенко С. С. Оптимизация комплексов резки листового проката / С.С. Борисенко, И. Б. Жуков, Е.Н. Ковалёв// Энерго-ресурсосбережение на предприятиях металлургической, горной, и химической промышленности (новые решения): тез. докл. конференции, г. Санкт-Петербург, 25–27 апр. 2005. С. 52–54.
  10. Zhukov I.B. Investigation of the dynamics of shears control systems cross cutting sheet metal. / Zhukov I.B. // Proceedings of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University Journal Series "Electrical Engineering", 2005. — Issue. 1. — P. 7–15. (in Russian) Жуков. И. Б. Исследование динамики систем управления ножницами поперечной резки листового проката. / И. Б. Жуков // Изв. СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ». Сер. «Электротехника» / Санкт-Петербург. гос. электротехн. ун-т. — СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2005. — Вып. 1. — С. 7–15.
  11. Zhukov I. B. Method of forming the optimal trajectory of movement cross cut shears knife / I. B. Zhukov, E. N. Kovalev// Energy and resource saving, optimization of energy consumption at the enterprises of the metallurgical industry: abstracts of the seminar,   Magnitogorsk, 6–7 October. 2005. P. 22–25. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Методика формирования оптимальной траектории движения ножа ножниц поперечной резки толстолистового проката / И. Б. Жуков, Е.Н. Ковалёв// Энерго-ресурсосбережение, оптимизация энергопотребления на предприятиях металлургической промышленности: тез. докл. семинара, г.  Магнитогорск, 6–7 окт. 2005. С. 22–25.
  12. Zhukov I. B. The control of a complex of shears with a rolling cut for cross cutting of sheet metal. // Metallurgy of the XXI century. Collection of papers of the 2nd international conference of young professionals. — Moscow: VNIIMETMASH named after academician Tselikov, 2006. P. 360–370. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Управление комплексом ножниц с катящимся резом для поперечной резки листового проката. / И. Б. Жуков // МЕТАЛЛУРГИЯ XXI века. Сб. трудов 2-й международной конференции молодых специалистов. —М.: ВНИИМЕТМАШ им. акад. А.И.  Целикова, 2006. С. 360–370.
  13. Zhukov I.B. The influence of the flatness of plates on the operation of the interconnected electric drive of draw rollers. //Proceedings of the VIII international (XIX all-russian) conference on the automatic electric drive — October, 7–9, 2014. — Tom 2, — Mordovian University Publisher, Saransk. — P. 468–470 — ISBN 978–5–7103–2964–1. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Учёт влияния неплоскостности толстолистового проката на работу взаимосвязанного привода тянущих роликов / И. Б. Жуков //Труды VIII Международной (XIX Всероссийской) конференции по автоматизированному электроприводу АЭП–2014: в 2 т./ отв. за вып. И. В. Гуляев. — Саранск: Изд-во Мордов. ун-та, 2014. — Т. 2. С. 468–470.
  14. Zhukov I. B. Procedure of Selecting Optimum Capacity and Voltage for an On-Board Electric Power Supply System Accumulators / Illia Borisovich Zhukov and Eugenii Alekseevich Lazarev //Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9(39), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i39/103422, October 2016. (in English)
  15. Zhukov I. B. Literate Programming Methodology. Experience of Russification of Development Tools // Vestnik NSU Series: Information Technologies. — 2017. — Volume 15, Issue No 2. — P. 20–26. — ISSN 1818–7900. (in Russian) Жуков И. Б. Методология литературного программирования. Опыт русификации инструментальных средств // Вестник НГУ Серия: Информационные технологии. – 2017. – Том 15, Выпуск № 2. – С. 20—26. – ISSN 1818—7900.
    Если есть проблемы просмотреть статью на сайте журнала, то её копию можно просмотреть здесь.
  16. Pat. 196125 Russian Federation, IPC H02J 3/00. Device for compensation of changes in voltage and reactive power of the electric network. Telyuk N. V., Zhukov I. B., Bogdanov A. N., etc.; applicant and patent holder: Russian Electrotechnical Company, Ltd — № 2019142331 application 18.12.2019; publ. 18.02.2020, bul. № 5. — 7 p. Пат. 196125 Российская Федерация, МПК H02J 3/00. Устройство компенсации изменений напряжения и реактивной мощности электрической сети / Телюк Н. В., Жуков И. Б., Богданов А. Н. и др.; заявитель и патентообладатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Русское Электротехническое Общество» — № 2019142331 заявл. 18.12.2019; опубл. 18.02.2020, Бюл. № 5. — 7 с.

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